1. A registered Non-Profit 501(c)(3) Organization
2. Falls into any of the
6 categories
3. 100% of your funds goes to the categories
To Qualify:
Submit 2 published references, by using the
Contact Us
form above. Complete the form, include URL links, newspaper articles
clippings or notable references. A Sponsor will contact
you directly to explain the VISA/MC rules and regulations. As
this is not a sales call, it will strictly be on how to maximize your donations with VISA/MC and getting your
application approved for non-profit.
A Sponsor basically contributes to your organization, is in the Healthcare
Profession, a Subject Expert and will
endorse your account.
Rates will be the lowest, as determined by VISA/MC.
Application process is the same.
We look forward
to hearing from you.
Project Sponsor